May 2024

A paper by Hasegawa has been published.

A paper by Yuya Hasegawa, a member of our laboratory, Hideki Tamura, an assistant professor of our laboratory, and Shigeki Nakauchi and Tetsuto Minami, professors of our laboratory, has been published.

Yuya Hasegawa, Hideki Tamura, Shigeki Nakauchi, Tetsuto Minami; Facial expressions affect the memory of facial colors. Journal of Vision 2024;24(5):14.

Symposium Information: June

The following members of our laboratory gave presentations at the international symposium held at Chiba Univ. on 6/18 – 19.

Symposium on color vision and facial skin color

Dates:June 18 and 19, 2024 (starting in the afternoon of the 18th and ending in the morning of the 19th)
Place:Chiba University, Conference Room on the 2nd floor, Engineering Research Building 2

Presenter:Hideki Tamura (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Title:Visual cues for moisture perception of facial skin

Presenter:Hoang Nam Nguyen, Hideki Tamura, Tetsuto Minami, Shigeki Nakauchi (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Title:The effect of facial color on implicit facial expressions

Presenter:Yuya Hasegawa, Hideki Tamura, Shigeki Nakauchi, Tetsuto Minami (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Title:Facial expressions affect the memory of facial colors